Every painting has a story to tell. More than color. More than materials used. Meaning enfolded in lines and pigment.
This story is about the moments when it feels like it’s all you can do to shadow box with the unknown. To try and stay afloat in the middle of overwhelming waves.

Know that even in the darkness, the dawn is already rising. In the center of the struggle, you are growing in ways you may only see when you look back at where you have been.
Those moments your heart races and your mind paces and your body braces for storms you don’t understand, and things you can’t comprehend… even there, the light surrounds you.

Held by D. Michele Perry
Special Commission

And when you can’t hold on, may you know how fiercely you are loved and tenderly you are held.
If these are words you need tonight beloved, then they are yours.
This painting is called “Held”.
Deep Payne’s Grays dancing with earthy growing greens all struck through with gold on 5×7 inch handmade 300 gsm cotton paper.
Commissioned by a friend who struggles with anxiety (and gave me permission to share that).
Sometimes we just need reminders… words and beauty to hold onto, that we find when we most need them, they are actually holding on to us.
If you’d like to listen to the words spoken through this piece, there a short video to the right. >>