1:1 Coaching for Busy & Burnt Out Creatives That Helps You Get Your Spark Back

Staring Down an Empty Page Shouldn't Keep You from a Creative Practice That You Love.

Life happens, schedules take over and you have maybe 15 minutes on a good day IF you streeeeeetch them oouuuuut.

When you DO sit down to crack open your laptop or pull out your paints and get to work on your creative dream…

  • The blank page and ever blinkin’ cursor feels completely overwhelming.
  • Your ideas freeze up and vanish out the window.
  • You are left feeling more disconnected and anxious than ever. 

Creating Doesn’t Just Feed Your Soul,
 It’s the Reason You’re Able to Keep the Lights On...

Sometimes the blank CANVAS & YOUR OVERCROWDED CALENDAR  put on THEIR sassy pants & want to play who's the boss.

& Waiting for Inspiration to Strike is a Great Way to Get Stuck Before You Even Get Started.

TBH, it's kind of defeating...
like, "why even bother"?

 And worse, it feels a LOT like failure.

Taps mic 🎤 —AND take it from someone with
 20+ years of creative biz experience,

if you'd like your creative passion
to pay your bills—

You can’t AFFORD to get “stuck.”

gosh, have I been there

I had no idea the depth of remarkable I would get with Michele.  Her empathy, compassion, and genuine & honest approach has helped merge my expertise and my heart to create something that serves my clients AND fills my soul. It’s like she can see inside my head and my heart and pull out the pieces that I can quite recognize yet, or have maybe never dared to consider... I can’t believe this is the woman I got to work with. I am so grateful.   

-Joanne, Financial Freedom & Strategic Business Coach

I see it ALL the time.


It’s actually happening. Right?

You are in a dreamy haze of how amazing it is going to be to get to do what you love.

...of all the projects you have to start.
...of all the lives you are going to impact.

Then, one day you wake up with...

     💻  Your tech in a tangle...
     😩 Client expectations mounting..
     ⏰ Your time evaporating...

The thing that used to light you UP (and that you still deep down love) starts to feel more like work, or worse… like a job

And sometimes... the stress of having to be “creative on-demand” shuts you all the way down. 

I GET it. Been there. Have some T-shirts and the receipts to prove it.

That creative hobby you dreamed of taking full-time... it starts making sales & turns into a business...

There Are a LOT of Things You Could  Try to Find Your Creative Spark Again

(Spoiler— I have tried every single one of them.)

Buy the shiny new art supply that pops up on your YouTube feed

Beat yourself up for not being ______ enough

Purchase 53.7 creative classes you are too tired to use

Muscle your way through

Follow the routine that works for your favorite writer or artist

^^ And when those fail to reignite your creative passion … you’re left feeling like the world's biggest failure… and you start to question why you chose this path in the first place. 

Compare your work to other creatives you follow on Instagram

Fall down a Pinterest "research" wormhole

Plan and plan again... and plan yet again your next project that never quite gets started

Hide out watching tutorial videos (without trying them) + call it honing your craft

(You’re not a failure btw. And you’re not alone. You’re burnt out and overwhelmed.
Keep Reading—I can help you get connected to your creativity again.)

Here's the deal no one tells you.

You Need a Clear Way to Connect With the Focused Inspiration That Helps You Be Creative On-Demand...

NOT One More Thing to Check Off Your To-Do List.

If You are already Struggling-- Generic "Expert" Tips Like "Journal More" Aren't EXACTLY Helpful... 

isn't a
It’s a SKILL.


And it can be learned.

In fact …
It can even be a repeatable system—
IF you set it up right.

What you need...

...is  a good, ol’ fashioned put-the-kettle-on moment with someone who gets it … 

… who understands what it’s like to be creative on-demand (TBT to that time I painted a series of 100 paintings in 100 days for tens of thousands of followers to watch 😅)

… and has helped 11,000+ creatives like you bust through their blocks , reconnect with their creativity, & find the inspiration that lights them up.

And THAT’s why I created my signature ArtSPARK Creative Coaching Framework & Strategy Sessions.

It all starts with a 1-on-1 clarity call designed to break through your creative blocks, chart your next steps, formulate an inspiration system tailored to YOUR process, and help you get your spark back—in 60-minutes.

Fluff coaching that leaves you with no idea what to do after you hang up...
That’s a HARD pass around here. 

You’ll Walk Away With …

Deeper understanding of the stories you are telling yourself that are draining your inspiration and creativity and how to reframe them.

Clear, practical steps to begin building your tailored system of inspiration that works for YOU.

A laser-focused 60 minutes that get expert eyeballs on what you need to refine and reinvigorate your creative direction.

A notestack from the call that contains what we covered and any additional thoughts I have after we wrap up.





Find Your Spark


My original, grad-school-level, research-informed Inspiration Signature™ assessment that tells you your Inspiration Persona & Super Power, complete with personalized feedback & recommendations.

For a Limited Time...

I'm not trying to pull the urgency lever, I legit don't know how long this will be included for free as a part of this offer.

(Think less cute 17 magazine personality quiz and more Myers Briggs powerhouse for nailing your Inspiration process.)

This is mine...


Click to see what the ✨ SPARK in ArtSPARK stands for... >>

Let's Be Honest. Sometimes the Coaching Industry Feels Like More Hype Than Help

You know the kind of call where you show up to some fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants sitch and are left wondering if the person on the other end really gets what you need or even read your info.

So, hope you don’t mind a little homework.

I keep it reasonable. But I'm about bringing laser-focused understanding to the table, not making it up as I go. Yes? I knew you were my person!

(^^ I’ve been there too and it's rubbish. I want put my stake
in the ground and change things. We're worth more than that. 👊🏻)

Cool 😎, I LOVE it when a good plan comes together >>

This is the Framework That Will Help Guide Our Time Together


We'll look at the stories you're telling yourself, why they matter to your creativity, & how to reframe them if need be.

This is where we dive into the skills of navigating on-demand creativity and setting up a joy-fueled, wonder-filled creative practice that sustains.

We'll go over your custom Inspiration Signature™ with its Persona & Superpower... and how to use this to start building a custom-to-you inspiration system that is aligned and ready for action.

We'll talk about the sticking points where you are hitting roadblocks to your inspiration process, & come up with practical, specific responses to them.

We'll also explore ways to lean into self-compassion and I'll share suggestions for a #creativitycare plan suited to your needs.

"Michele is beyond amazing at this.  She has taken my ideas, scratched onto various pieces of paper, and it was like she understood me and my vision even better than I did!! Thank you, Michele... You are one outstanding woman."

-Heather, Fine Artist & Educator

This is a Good Fit for You If You've Been Searching For:

It's Time to Get Your
Spark Back

Steeping some

New clarity and confidence because dang it, you're a creative who has hit a wall called business burnout and the things that lit you up before no longer do.

Targeted solutions to stop freezing in the face of deadlines and the pressures of navigating on-demand creativity.

A way to build a SYSTEM of inspiration that works every time you show up for it.

Structure for the billion ideas you have in your head, but struggle to define what the next practical steps are.

An alternate meal plan for the procrastination gator that keeps eating your homework— and your profits.

A cup of courage and direct access to my decades of leadership, communications, and creative experience.







Trying to figure it out on your own? Muscle through, stir up some moxy, and make it happen?

Listen to a bunch of youtubers talk about their last amazing dream launch to get your motivation up for one more go at yours?

You could try that.

But what is your TIME worth? Your ENERGY?  

Where could the confidence knowing you have a system to show up as your best creative self take you?

60 min + a serving of  WELL-STEEPED creativi-tea

Kettle’s On— You Ready to Do This?

All for $547.   And 45 minutes to do your pre-call homework.  

I only have limited spots and they fill faster than ice cream melts while strolling around Magic Kingdom in summer.

So, you might want to lock in your spot (& price) now.

I mean, $547 could get you … 

  • A new set of fancy watercolor paints
  • A midrange set of Copic markers
  • One Kolinsky Sable Paint Brush
  • An entry-level DSLR
  • A basic refurbished iPad

But you can have all the best supplies, tutorials, and tech in the world and still be completely stuck on how to harness the power of your unique inspiration process to get out of creative freeze mode.

I can help with that...

When Your Creativity Fuels Your Bottomline It Becomes a Business Asset

Book Your 1:1 SPARK Strategy Session

Hi!  I'm Michele.

I'm a full-time artist and writer who has sold out collaborations with brands like Appointed® in minutes.  Published two books. Spoke from international stages. Lived on or between 4 contents.

I've helped 11K+ creatives unlock new levels of their creativity at The Wonder Habit™, spoken to leaders in person in 23 countries, & had my artwork seen by millions.  


Add in:

20+ years mentoring leaders around the world. I know a thing or two about what it takes to lead in stress, crisis.  

An MA in Organizational Leadership where I nerded out over creativity and how to train leaders to be more creative in their arenas of leadership.  

Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder. This is the hill I have staked and stand on. They are all skills. That means I can help you get better at them and craft them into a practice that flows & grows with you.

BONUS- I'm a creativity nerd, which means I study creativity research and stay up to the minute so I have the best information and practical tools to support you with.

I'm here to spill the secrets that have kept my creativity flowing even when my art studio had to fit inside a TSA-approved makeup bag.

"Michele is the epitome of the phrase “under-promise and over deliver.” She is a master storyteller, paints words on paper and has the gift of anticipating her client’s needs.

It’s rare that you meet someone that surpasses their reputation; however, Michele is that person... If you are looking for a word-whispering, master consultant extraordinaire, you want Michele to be the one you work with."

-Nikki & Torrey, Therapists & Educators

Everything starts with our initial SPARK Strategy Session.  But it doesn't have to end there. 

Once we have our SPARK Strategy Session, you have the opportunity to add-on a 5-month 1:1 coaching package where we walk through each part of the ArtSPARK framework in depth.

You don't have to DIY your path forward on your own.

Want More Support Than a Single Session? 

—What's Included—

Each month you'll receive:

  • WEEK 1: Your SPARK Focus monthly workbook that includes weekly journal prompts, a monthly art journaling exercise, and your call prep homework.
  • WEEKS 2-3: One 45 minute 1:1 coaching call, and call notes
  • WEEKS 3-4: One BlockBUSTER Feedback Round where you can submit an area where you feel stuck or want more feedback and I'll reply with a private Loom video.

Let's Ignite Your Spark...

I GOT YOU... It's Time to Get Unblocked—And Hone the Tools to STAY That Way.


We'll focus on understanding the stories you're telling yourself, why they matter to your creativity, & how to reframe them.

This is where we dive into the skills of navigating on-demand creativity and setting up a joy-fueled, wonder-filled creative practice that sustains.

We'll go deeper into your custom Inspiration Signature™ with its Personality & Process... and add in more tools to help you get the most out of creating a custom-to-you inspiration system that is aligned and ready for action.

We'll visit the the sticking points where you are hitting roadblocks to your inspiration process, & further customize practical, specific responses to them.

We'll also develop practical ways to lean into self-compassion and come up with a #creativitycare plan that meets your needs and gives you space to grow.  We will also work on your action plan for continuing the journey and finishing well.





The Investment


You enjoyed your strategy session but realize you want more hands on follow up support & the ability to deep dive into each SPARK focus area.  This is what you are looking for! My exclusive 5 month 1:1 creativity coaching program that builds on what we started in our SPARK strategy call.

The ArtSPARK Coaching Framework Add-On

You want to start with our initial call/assessment and try things out. This is perfect if you want some targeted advice and quick actionable wins.  It also works really well if you love to DIY the application of big picture inspiration and feedback.  It includes your homework, Inspiration Signature™ Assessment, 60-minute 1:1 Zoom call with yours truly, and a notestack that contains what we covered on our call and any additional thoughts I have after we wrap up.

The SPARK Strategy Session

Additional  Options...


Only available to clients who have completed a SPARK Strategy Session in the last month.

You have perused the page and want to go all in for the SPARK Strategy Session follow by 5 months of coaching and guided exploration of each part of the ArtSPARK Framework.  We will move seamlessly from our initial strategy session right into our monthly focus sessions to set you up with the skills you need to start and stay inspired. 

The ArtSPARK 6- Month Coaching


This combines the initial Spark Strategy Session with the 5 month coaching program.

You want to do the full ArtSPARK 6-Month Coaching Program but aren't able to slap down $2400. I get it. Big time. This is for you.

Month 1 you pay $500, Months 2-6 you pay $400/month.

The ArtSPARK Coaching Program -
Monthly Edition


Payments are set up to occur at the beginning of each month.

Are you an organizational leader who wants to be more creative as a leader and build a culture of creativity within your business or organization? Would you like to offer the people you serve the skills and the tools to harness the power of targeted inspiration, thriving innovation, and on-demand creativity? 

Yes? Drop me an email and let's chat.  I can help you make that happen.

After You Purchase Your SPARK Strategy Session

I'll send over your session confirmation, precall homework, and Inspiration Signature™ Assessment.  You complete your homework and get it back to me by the due date. 

Day of: The kettle is perked and we hop on our call for a laser-focused 60 minutes that target what you need to refine and reinvigorate your creative direction.

After our call, I'll send you hard copy of my notes complete with any action items, creative exercise recommendations, or links to resources I mention, and any additional thoughts based on what we cover together.

You have the option to continue the journey by adding on the 5-month ArtSPARK Coaching Add-on Package anytime, depending on availability, up to a month after your session.





After You Apply for the ArtSPARK 6-Month Coaching Program

What Happens Next...

Once accepted, I'll send over availability details, any additional questions I have, soon followed by onboarding paperwork, session confirmation, and your initial homework.

Day of: The kettle is perked and we hop on our call for a laser-focused 60 minutes that target what you need to refine and reinvigorate your creative direction.

After our call, I'll send you hard copy of my notes complete with any action items, creative exercise recommendations, or links to resources I mention, and any additional thoughts based on what we cover together.

On our initial call we will also iron out the logistics of when your monthly start date will be and the schedule for our first few calls.





Have questions?
I'd sure love to answer them!

And you can have more of them. Every day. 

You Were Made for the Moments When Your Soul Comes Most Alive.


©2024 D. michele perry & designed to thrive creative, llc. | all rights reserved | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy 

And you can have more of them. Every day. 

You Were Made for the Moments When Your Soul Comes Most Alive.
